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Item's Effect : Add dodge reduction

Item's Effect : Add dodge reduction

List of Ninja Saga Entities Those Have add_dodge_reduction Effect

Legendary Topaz Ring of the Wraiths

Increase all damage by 8%. Increase accuracy by 2%.

Wyrms Tears

Increase accuracy by 2%. Reduce damage taken by 3%.

Resonance Beads

Ignore enemys dodge rate by 3%. Has 5% chance to inflict Rewind (Reduce skill cooldown by 1 turn) (Not effective on talent skills) Has 15% chance to block attack damage when HP is less than 20%.

Vermilion Bird Earrings

Increase all damage by 7% and accuracy by 5%.

Holy Ring of Fervor

Increase all damage by 6%. Increase accuracy by 1%.

Jade Ring of Adept

Increase all damage by 7%. Increase accuracy by 1%.

Angel Wings

Back Items
Increase 3% attack damage and ignore 3% targets dodge.

Gold Wand

Back Items
Ignore 5% targets dodge.

S21 Rokulin Gunbai

Back Items
Ignore enemys dodge rate by 8%.

S9 Akazonke Gunbai

Back Items
Increase 4% critical rate and ignore 4% targets dodge.

Egg Hunter Basket

Back Items
Increase 6% accuracy. (Easter 2011 Limited Edition)

S13 Kishu Twin Blades

Back Items
Increase accuracy by 8%

S14 Yabusa Knife

Back Items
Increases 4% attack damage and ignore 4% of targets dodge.

Matsuyama Fan

Back Items
Ignore enemys dodge rate by 6%.

S19 Magatama Soul Barrel

Back Items
Increase 4% critical rate and ignore 4% targets dodge.

Blue Cloud Umbrella

Back Items
Ignore 6% targets dodge.

S25 Musha Pipa

Back Items
Increase 4% critical rate and ignore 4% targets dodge.

Scroll: Messenger (3 Days)

Back Items
Increase 2% accuracy.
Reduce 20 HP damage taken.
Recover 35 HP when each turn start.

Scroll: Messenger (7 Days)

Back Items
Increase 2% accuracy.
Reduce 20 HP damage taken.
Recover 35 HP when each turn start.

Scroll: Messenger

Back Items
Increase 2% accuracy.
Reduce 20 HP damage taken.
Recover 35 HP when each turn start.

Puppet: Hakuki (3 Days)

Back Items
Increase 3% accuracy.
Reduce 46 HP damage taken.
Recover 83 HP when each turn start.

Puppet: Hakuki (7 Days)

Back Items
Increase 3% accuracy.
Reduce 46 HP damage taken.
Recover 83 HP when each turn start.

Puppet: Hakuki

Back Items
Increase 3% accuracy.
Reduce 46 HP damage taken.
Recover 83 HP when each turn start.


Back Items
Ignore 4% targets dodge.

Nightmare Grudge

Back Items
Ignore 4% targets dodge.

Seal Nightmare Wing

Back Items
Ignore 4% targets dodge.

Ocean Ring

Back Items
Increase 1% accuracy.
Additional 2 HP damage upon all attack.